Lines show the original actor Johannes Brandrup as Frank Stolte and Rainer at Strecker as Ingo Fischer. Fischer left the series after only two episodes into Erdoğan Atalay and his successor as Gerkhan polish.
Brandrup quit tie at the end of a season. RTL Television Networks, which bring this series, contracted Mark Keller as André Fux in his place. Keller left the series at the end of the sixth season and was replaced by René Steinke as Tom Kranich. It plays a role between 7-14 season, then decided to stop to try other roles.
New pair atalay a Christian Oliver as Richter in Seasons 14-16 January. When he left the series to develop a career in the United States, RTL turned to Steinke, who agree to return at the beginning of 17 seasons. However, Steinke decided to not renew his contract, and leave this series once again at the end of 20 seasons. His replacement was actor Gédéon Burkhard as Chris Ritter. Burkhard best known as Alexander Brandtner in other shows Austria-Germany policy, Inspector Rex.
In two episodes of a major character is Frank and Ingo. Frank navigate an Audi 100 (C3), then E36 BMW and Ford Sierra steering Ingo. Ingo has been lost in the second episode.
Polish is the main character and a policy to stay in control from start to finish. It became a colleague Frank second.
It is best known for navigating the silver BMW 3 series cars disguised (E36, E46 and E90) throughout his career. He also has a variety of exotic cars out of work but has a terrible thing happen to them. (BMW involved in the accident, Ferrari 355 Spyder was stolen).
He is serious and will do anything to get the job done. In the second series of new partners into Andre polish. He steered a car BMW E36, Mercedes-Benz W202 and Mercedes-Benz W208 and CLK 320 coupe. He was killed in Mallorca after being shot in the chest with a harpoon gun.
Tom is one of those who are out to guide energy, while the polish is serious. He also has a forgiving personality due to the fact that he forgave a woman driver even though he ruin on the mountain bike commute the first day it worked. It also has a Mercedes-Benz CLK 320, the same cars that Andre is used, the harm is a dozen.
January was a partner polish before he left the force, he was introduced in the episode "Feuertaufe" as soon as Tom emotionally attractive. January is the equivalent of young polish experience.
He uses Tom and Mercedes-Benz CLK W209 later. He left not long after the energy and polish has been forced to find Tom again. Tom agreed to come back and he used the car in January He was killed in battle not long after.
Chris, who originally was a working policy polish pretend to be a partner after Tom passed away in an episode of "Auf Leben und Tod". With new partners adventure continues, Chris navigate the blue Mercedes-Benz W209 CLK 320 which is the same as Jan and Tom have been used and in 23 seasons he began to navigate the gray Mercedes-Benz C350.
Cars outside of work is not known. Chris died at the end of the episode "unter Feinden". Chris and Ben Jäger successfully been introduced in the following episode. It has the features as an ambitious, often young and colleagues rebellic office counterparts from the behavior of polish. He uses the same car that Chris used.

Dieter Bonrath recommendations served as the office team cobra during his career; spouse is obese, bearded office called Horst "Hotte" Herzberger.
In the episode "72 Stunden Angst" (72 hours Fear) Hotte would retire from power, after serving for 43 years, but would solve one last case. When Hotte this case, in an effort to save Ben rejected her view drug dealers assault rifle, only to be shot in the chest itself.
He died a few minutes later with Bonrath, Ben, polish and Kim Kruger (their leader) at his side. They used to drive the green and white "Polizei" Porsche 911 turbo road patrol car but then changed to a green version of the silver policy Porsche Cayenne recently.
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